General Booking Conditions
- These terms of use apply to the legal relationship arising from the purchase of accommodation services between the customer and the owner of (hereinafter referred to as Käbliku Holiday Houses), Käbliku_elamused OÜ.
- In addition to these terms, bookings are also subject to the laws of the Republic of Estonia.
- Disputes between the customer and Käbliku Holiday Cottages are resolved through negotiation. If no agreement is reached, the customer has the right to appeal to the Consumer Protection Board. For other disputes, the laws of the Republic of Estonia apply.
- The duration of accommodation shall be deemed to commence from the start date and end date of the accommodation.
Booking Payment Terms
- All prices are in euros.
- A full prepayment for the chosen holiday home accommodation is mandatory. Invoicing and payment for additional services shall be done after arrival.
- By agreement, it is possible for a company or government institution to provide payment for services with a guarantee letter.
Booking Procedure and Confirmation
- To book accommodation, please fill out the booking form on Käbliku Holiday Homes website or send an email to provide your or your company's name, email address, phone number, arrival and departure dates, number of people, and your specific preferences regarding catering and additional services related to the booking. The booking is confirmed only when the Customer has received a notification to their email address from the accommodation provider.
- If the Customer has received confirmation of their booking from the Accommodation Provider, but it turns out that the Accommodation Provider is unable to provide the booked holiday home for accommodation, the Accommodation Provider shall, without additional charge, offer the Customer accommodation in at least an equivalent, but not smaller (with fewer occupants) holiday home or suggest alternative dates.
Cancellation, Amendment, and Refund of Booking
- Cancellation and refund of money.
- By cancelling the booking up to and including 60 days before the arrival date, by sending a relevant notice to our email, we will refund the prepaid amount to you, minus transaction mediation fees.
- By cancelling the booking up to and including 30 days before the arrival date, we will refund 50% of the received prepayment, minus transaction mediation fees.
- In case of shorter notice, the prepayment will not be refunded. Upon request, it is possible to postpone the booking for up to six months, subject to availability of free dates. If the original booking was made at low season prices, the difference must be paid considering high season prices.
- Amendment of booking and refund of money. To amend the booking, please send a relevant notice to Käbliku Holiday Houses email address
Additional Guest Pricing Policy
- Additional guests are not allowed to stay in the holiday homes beyond the designated occupancy limit. If there is a need to find additional accommodation, it must always be agreed upon in advance with Käbliku Holiday Houses.
- Additional guest accommodation should preferably be pre-ordered at the time of booking, including a cot for a small child.
- Please verify, during booking, the maximum number of people each holiday home can accommodate and ensure that the distribution of rooms is suitable for your group of guests.
House rules and additional information
- Arrival and departure. The holiday house is available to the guest from 4:00 PM on the day of arrival until 12:00 PM on the day of departure. We kindly ask the guest to inform us of their estimated arrival time in advance. If you wish to arrive before 4:00 PM, please send a notification to Käbliku Holiday Houses at If possible, we will prepare the house earlier and notify you by email. Please also inform us if you plan to arrive later, so we can arrange the house tour and any other necessary details accordingly.
- Smoking. Smoking is not allowed inside Käbliku Holiday Houses. Smoking is permitted in designated outdoor areas. Please refrain from throwing cigarette butts on the ground. Ashtrays and rubbish bins are provided on the premises for proper disposal.
- Pets. If possible, please leave your pets at home, or if this is not possible, please notify Käbliku Holiday Houses in advance by e-mail at and agree on the details, because we have horses and cats on our territory. Please use a leash to walk your dog outdoors. Thanks for your understanding.
- Parking. Parking is free for customers of Käbliku Holiday Houses and is only allowed in the dedicated customer parking lot, which is located on the left hand side at the entrance to the farm. It is allowed to park temporarily close to the holiday houses for transporting goods, after which we ask you to park your car in the customer's parking lot. Parking is not allowed in the vicinity of holiday houses or any area not designated for parking. If you need to park closer to the house for any unavoidable reasons, please inform Käbliku Holiday Houses accordingly.
- Guest Policy Guests of clients who have booked the Käbliku holiday cottages are welcome, provided that the accommodation facility has been informed of their arrival and a day guest fee of 10 EUR has been paid.
- Öörahu. Öörahu algab Käbliku puhkemajades kell 23:00. Öörahu rikkumise all mõistetakse teiste isikute häirimist heliliste, valgus-, mehaaniliste, elektrooniliste jms vahenditega nii siseruumides kui õues. Käbliku puhkemajades ei ole oma isiklik helivõimendus vabas õhus lubatud. Kui klient on broneerinud terve kompleksi, on hilisem pidu ja muusika lubatud siseruumides.
- Käbliku puhkemajade territooriumil ilutulestiku laskmine on lubatud ainult kokkuleppel ja selleks ettenähtud turvalises kohas.
- Alkoholimüük alaealistele. Käbliku puhkemajad ei müü alkoholi alla 18-aastastele. Majutusasutusel on õigus isiku vanuse tuvastamiseks küsida isikut tõendavat dokumenti ning keelduda alaealise kliendi ja tema külaliste tellimuse täitmisest.
- Puhtus ja kord. Eeldame, et klient jätab lahkudes puhkemaja maha viisakas seisukorras – prügi on ettenähtud kohta kogutud, söögilaud ja tööpinnad puhastatud ning toidunõud pesumasinasse pandud. Lõhutud inventar (lõhutud nõud ja mööbel, määritud vaibad, kardinad, mööblikatted) tuleb kompenseerida selle parandamise või asendamise kulu määras. Kui õnnetus on juhtunud, palume sellest Käbliku puhkemajade esindale enne lahkumist teada anda.
- Keelatud on Käbliku puhkemajade mööbli, sh voodite ümber tõstmine ning teisaldamine ilma loata.
- Tuleohutus. Lahtiste küünalde kasutamine puhkemajades sees ja vahetus läheduses ei ole lubatud tuleohu tõttu. Ilutulestiku ja lahtise tule kasutamine majade läheduses ei ole lubatud.
- Ujumine. Ujumine paisjärves lubatud omal vastutusel. Alkoholijoobes ujumine ei ole lubatud. Lapsed ja ebapiisava ujumisoskusega külastajad võivad ujuda, kasutada SUP-lauda või paati kliendi enda järelvalve all või kasutades päästevesti.
- Kalastamine. Kalastamine on lubatud kokkuleppel Käbliku puhkemajadega ja selleks seadusega ettenähtud ajal ning mahus. Lisainfo:
- Käbliku puhkemajad asuvad looduses. Palume arvestada sellest tuleneda võivate ebamugavustega (sääsed jms) ning soovitame varuda hooajale/ilmastikule vastavad riided, täistallaga või niiskuskindlad jalanõud ja kaitsevahendid.
- Kasutustingimuste rikkumise tasu. Käesolevate kasutustingimuste rikkumise korral on Majutusasutusel õigus nõuda Kliendipoolset kulude hüvitamist või rikkumistasu kuni 100 € rikkumise kohta.
Ettevõtte nimi: Käbliku_elamused OÜ
Registrikood: 16419729
KMKR: Ei ole käibemaksukohustuslane
Aadress: Käbliku talu, Palutaja küla Kanepi vald Põlvamaa 63506
Panga nimi: Swedpank
IBAN kood: EE452200221078324704
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